
Zocdoc general practitioner
Zocdoc general practitioner

zocdoc general practitioner

Check your insurance: Use your insurer's directory or search on its website for doctors in your network.Someone who can care for your whole family? Someone who focuses on women or older people (see below)? Here are some other things to consider as you search for Dr. You should also consider what kind of doctor you want.

zocdoc general practitioner

That can be more in­sightful than recommendations from friends or family. If you know a doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional, ask for the names of doctors or practices in your area whom they like and trust. That makes sense, because having good communication and col­lab­oration with the doctor who oversees your care can help make sure you get the tests and treatments you need, and avoid common problems, such as getting duplicative or contradictory treatments from a legion of specialists. Growing research suggests that people who have a strong relationship with a physician not only report greater satisfac­tion with their care but also may enjoy better health. "But everyone needs a project manager, so to speak, to help you navigate our confusing health care system." "It may seem like a burden or restrictive to have to choose a primary care provider," Orly Avitzur, M.D., medical director at Consumer Reports, said. That go-to person can not only help you with day-to-day health problems such as the flu or a sprained ankle but also refer you to specialists when necessary and, important, oversee all of the care you get. More and more insurance plans require that you choose one physician to serve as your main resource.

Zocdoc general practitioner